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6 Best Alternatives to Comm100 live chat in September 2024

Alternatives & Competitors to Comm100 live chat

Here are competitors or alternatives to Comm100 live chat and other similar CRM software. You need to consider some important factors when choosing a tool like Comm100 live chat for your business: the main features of each solution, ease of use of user interface, pricing or value for money for instance. Each software has its pros and cons so it's up to you to choose the best alternative to Comm100 live chat that meets the needs of your small business. To help you compare each app and choose the right solution, we have put together a list of the best competitors of Comm100 live chat. Discover sofware like LiveChat, LiveAgent, Freshchat or ActiveCampaign.

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List of Alternatives to Comm100 live chat

From CRM tools, we have selected the best alternatives to Comm100 live chat based on reviews for each solution and similarities with Comm100 live chat. Of course, each solution has its benefits and drawbacks, and its own features but, whether you are a small business, a startup or a large enterprise, you will find the right choice that empowers your projects.

logo livechat

Customer service and chat software

4.3 (20 reviews)
1 deal available | Redeemed by 191 members
Customer Support

$150 credits (Team, Business and Enterprise Plans)

Save up to $150

LiveChat gives you access to easy-to-use applications to contact your website visitors directly through a live chat window, and thus increase your chances of conversion.

logo liveagent

Customer support software

4.6 (24 reviews)
1 deal available | Redeemed by 124 members
Customer Support Call Centers

$120 credits on any plan

Save up to $120

With LiveAgent, improve your customer support by offering the ability to respond to more tickets efficiently, and in less time.Communicate with customers across all channels from a single inbox: your customer service team will love this tool.

logo freshchat

A centralized and optimized messaging service

3.9 (24 reviews)
1 deal available | Redeemed by 209 members
Customer Support

90% off the Pro plan for 1 year

Save up to $100,000

Freshdesk Messaging is the tool that will allow you to optimize your customer service by communicating with your prospects through various messaging channels. The centralization of all your conversations in one inbox, as well as the creation of chatbots, will boost the efficiency of your team and the satisfaction of your customers.

logo activecampaign

Marketing automation for your growth

4.5 (24 reviews)
1 deal available | Redeemed by 143 members
Email Marketing

90% off any annual plan for the first year

Save up to $1,610

ActiveCampaign enables you to reach your target audience, guide your customers through the conversion funnel, and significantly increase your growth. This SaaS-based marketing platform is therefore ideal for optimizing your sales process.

logo hubspot

CRM, marketing automation & customer service software suite

4.3 (24 reviews)
2 deals available | Redeemed by 1408 members
Prospecting CRM Marketing Automation Content Marketing AI Sales and Business

75% off for 1 year

Save up to $7,000

The HubSpot suite leverages AI to streamline managing your customer throughout their life cycle: from website visits and form completions to phone calls, email exchanges, quote signing, support, and upsells.

logo intercom

Strengthen relationships with your customers with an online messaging system.

4.3 (24 reviews)
1 deal available | Redeemed by 927 members
Collaboration Customer Experience AI Customer Support

1 year free on the Advanced plan

Intercom, especially thanks to AI, help you easily set up the right messaging experience, including bots, emails, messages, or even help centers, to build relationships with your customers throughout their journey.