Toggl Plan is a project management software that aids teams in efficient task scheduling, tracking, and management. It offers visual timelines for projects, team capacity planning, and task management capabilities. The software also includes collaboration tools for team communication and file sharing. It is ideal for remote teams, freelancers, small businesses, and large organizations aiming to optimize their workflow.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Toggl plan?
  • 04How Toggl plan compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Toggl plan best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Toggl plan Reviews

What is Toggl plan?

Toggl Plan is a project management and team collaboration software that aids businesses in streamlining their workflow. It offers features like task management, timeline views, shared team calendars, and project planning tools. Users can create, assign, and track tasks, set deadlines, and visualize project progress on a color-coded timeline. The software provides transparency by allowing all team members to view project timelines and workloads, helping to identify bottlenecks and manage resources efficiently. Toggl Plan integrates with other tools like Toggl Track, Google Calendar, and Slack for enhanced functionality. It is suitable for both small teams and large organizations aiming to improve productivity and collaboration. Special promotions are available on Toggl Plan to enhance workflow and boost productivity.

Pros from reviewers

  • User-friendly interface: Toggl Plan is praised for its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for teams of all sizes and individuals with varying levels of technical expertise

  • Continual improvements and updates: The Toggl Plan team is known for regularly updating the software and introducing new features, ensuring that the product remains up-to-date and continues to meet the evolving needs of its users

  • Exceptional customer service: Toggl Plan is commended for its exceptional customer service, with users reporting positive interactions and prompt, helpful responses from the support team

  • Flexibility and adaptability: Toggl Plan is not tied to a single business model, making it a suitable choice for a variety of industries, including creative fields. It allows users to adjust to their constantly changing needs in a user-friendly manner.

  • Visual task management: The software offers a clean and powerful visualization of tasks, projects, and teams, making it easy to comprehend and utilize. It also allows users to view the timeline in various ways and with different time zooms, providing a flexible and comprehensive overview of workloads

Cons from reviewers

  • Limited features in free version: Some users have expressed frustration that certain features are only available in the paid version of Toggl Plan. This includes the ability to view a board for at least one client or project

  • Poor interface: While Toggl Plan offers a variety of features, some users have found the interface to be lacking. For instance, starting a timer for a specific client can be difficult, and editing entries is not always straightforward.

  • Slow software speed: Some users have reported that the software can occasionally be slow and freeze. Loading past weeks can take some time when scrolling, which can be inconvenient for users who need to reference past tasks or projects

  • Lack of recurring tasks feature: While Toggl Plan offers a variety of task management features, it does not currently allow users to set recurring tasks. This can be a drawback for users who have tasks that need to be completed on a regular basis

  • Limited calendar integrations: While Toggl Plan offers a variety of features, it lacks in the area of calendar integrations. Users have expressed a desire for more options in this area, including direct integration with Jira and Confluence from Atlassian

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Timeline Views

Shared Team Calendars

Task Management


Project Planning Tools

Who is Toggl plan best for according to our reviewers?

  • Small Teams: Toggl Plan is ideal for small teams of around five members. It allows for easy visualization of everyone's tasks and priorities, reducing the need for constant check-ins and discussions about daily tasks

  • Non-Profit Organizations: As a non-profit with limited resources, Toggl Plan offers excellent customer service and support. It helps to organize tasks and keep the team on track, improving overall productivity

  • Project Managers: Toggl Plan is a fantastic alternative to 'heavier' apps for project managers. It offers easy switching between board and timeline view, and provides everything needed for personal task management and for a team of up to 5.

  • Solo Professionals: For solo professionals serving clients, Toggl Plan provides a straightforward method to manage tasks without feeling overwhelmed. It allows for focus on one primary task at a time, improving efficiency and productivity

  • Creative Businesses: Toggl Plan is well-suited for creative businesses such as architecture firms. Its visual, simple, and flexible planning tools are adaptable to unique projects, enhancing workflow and adjusting to constantly changing creative needs

  • Toggl plan Reviews


    Toggl plan rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    24 Toggl plan Reviews

    4.3 (24 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Roy S

      Efficient Reporting: Unveiling Time Allocation and Planning Insights with Toggl Plan

      The reporting features in Toggl Plan are excellent. They provide detailed insights into how time is being spent, which helps with future planning and resource allocation

      September 15, 2024

    • Marie

      Task Management Made Simpler and More Intuitive with Toggl Plan

      I find Toggl Plan to be a fantastic alternative to 'heavier' apps like Asana, which I previously used extensively. The ease of switching between board and timeline view is a feature I appreciate, along with the numerous features available in the free version. It provides everything I need for personal task management and for a team of up to 5. I believe some integration with my existing email system, such as Gmail, could be beneficial for incorporating communications into my project plans. I transitioned to Toggl Plan because Asana became overly complex and non-intuitive. It was a struggle to add and move tasks. Most disappointingly, they continually introduced useful features that were only accessible to paying members, which is always a letdown as a solo task manager.

      September 9, 2024

    • Roy Jones

      Convenient Cloud-Based Accessibility: Toggl Plan Review

      As someone who often works remotely, I appreciate that Toggl Plan is cloud-based. This means I can access it from anywhere, at any time, which has proven incredibly useful

      September 1, 2024

    • Judith E

      Effortless Yet Efficient: Toggl Plan

      I've experimented with various project managers and Toggl Plan stands out for me. As a solo professional serving clients, I require a straightforward method to manage my tasks without feeling swamped. Toggl Plan enables me to concentrate on one primary task at a time, allowing me to finish it and proceed to the next. It's easy to use and I can view my daily tasks instantly. However, I wish it had the capability to establish recurring tasks and integrate with Toggl's timer & invoicing app. I transitioned from Trello to Toggl Plan because Trello's numerous cards made me feel overwhelmed. Toggl Plan's feature to add future tasks to the "icebox" until I'm ready for them and its timeline view convinced me.

      August 27, 2024

    • Rowan

      Does the Job, Falls Short on Reporting

      I switched to Clockify from Toggl because Toggl doesn't have a feature that allows me to group entries in a way that lets me compare different areas of my life. For instance, Clockify allows grouping by categories or tags. I also have issues with the Android app's synchronization when it's in focus, which is starting to irritate me.

      August 18, 2024

    • Julia C

      Essential Simplicity: Toggl Plan's Balance

      I've always liked the idea of a robust project management system, but often found them too time-consuming to manage. Toggl Plan, however, strikes the perfect balance between essential features and ease of use, without the overwhelming extras. I especially love the timeline feature, which lets me manage tasks in a board format and see how they fit into a timeline. It also shows milestones or holidays across timelines, which is great for tracking important dates across projects. There's also a Team timeline that groups all my tasks together relative to the rest of my team. Sometimes, I need to refresh my screen for changes on the board to show up on the timeline, but that's not a big issue. I do wish I could set recurring tasks though. I chose Toggl Plan because I was already using Toggl for time tracking, and when I realized it was more in line with my time and needs, it was an easy decision.

      August 12, 2024

    • Terry Rodriguez

      Persistent Harassment and Data Retention Issues

      I signed up for toggl-plan as it was recommended by the IB Program, but I quickly realized it wasn't for me. I tried to delete my account, but before I could figure out how, I started receiving emails from the company. I asked their agent to delete my account, but was told I had to do it through the system following certain guidelines. I tried to follow the instructions, but they didn't explain how to close the account. I contacted the agent again and was given a new set of guidelines. Even after I finally managed to close the account, the agent kept emailing me. I asked them to delete all my data from their databases and to stop contacting me, but I kept receiving emails, saying the process could take a month or longer. I felt not only frustrated but also harassed. Terrible practices.

      August 5, 2024

    • Jacqueline C

      Top Efficiency & Earnings Tracker: Toggl-Plan

      I absolutely adore the toggl-plan website. It provides everything I need, particularly the income feature which allows me to calculate my potential earnings based on my tracked time and productivity score. I find it incredibly useful and highly recommend it to everyone.

      July 28, 2024

    • Thomas Williams

      Nearly Flawless Freelance Time-Tracking Software

      I've been using Toggl since the day a co-worker introduced it to me. I appreciate its convenience and simplicity in tracking both my freelance and day job activities for accurate time reporting. I even recommended it to a family member who is getting their driver's license to track their practice time. The only reason I'm rating it 4 stars instead of 5 is because I can't use the item descriptions as tasks, which could be pre-set or created on the fly for projects.

      July 21, 2024

    • Ashley B

      Functional and Aesthetic, Yet Needs Improvement

      I find the toggl-plan app functional and effective for its intended use. However, I wish it offered more customization options and that its creators were more explicit about its purpose. I appreciate the pleasant user interface and its thematic design. I once attempted to use this app to track virtually everything I did, but eventually realized that wasn't its intended use. I wish there was an optional tutorial to explain the functionality of the app.

      July 15, 2024

    • Abigail

      Flexible Software for Any Project

      The software's flexibility is another major plus. It can be easily tailored to suit the needs of any project, regardless of size or complexity

      July 9, 2024

    • Kenneth W

      Streamlining Project Management with Drag-and-Drop Scheduling

      I've found the drag-and-drop feature particularly useful for adjusting schedules as priorities change. It's a small detail, but one that makes managing projects much smoother

      July 2, 2024

    • Zachary Brown

      Toggl: Essential for Consulting Business

      As a small marketing consulting and graphic design business owner with a growing client base, I often handle multiple projects at once and need to meticulously track my time to ensure profitability. Invoicing is not my favorite task, but Toggl has made it easier. I previously used a different app for a few years, but after switching to Toggl, I've grown to love it. There's a slight learning curve when it comes to generating reports, but Toggl remains my preferred time tracker.

      June 25, 2024

    • Kelly Rodriguez

      Streamlining Creative Projects with Toggl Plan

      I've recently started using Toggl Plan and it's already enhancing our workflow. It's simple to get everyone on board with it. I think it has a strong presence in the creative market, like ours in architecture, as we require something visual, simple, and flexible for our work planning. Many other platforms I've explored are well-designed but too concentrated on a specific business model. Our creative business requires something more adaptable for our unique projects. There are a few aspects of the software and mobile apps that could be improved and some basic features that need to be added, but I'm more than willing to serve as a product tester. I selected Toggl Plan for its simplicity and flexible setup, not tied to a single business model. It enables us to adjust to our constantly changing creative needs in a user-friendly manner.

      June 15, 2024

    • Christina

      Toggl Plan: Boosting Productivity with Task Management

      I've been using Toggl Plan for several months now and it has significantly improved my productivity. The ability to break down projects into smaller tasks and set individual deadlines has made managing large projects much more manageable

      June 8, 2024

    • Zoe Jones

      Transparency with Toggl Plan: Fostering Accountability and Collaboration

      As a team leader, I appreciate the transparency Toggl Plan provides. It allows my team to see what everyone is working on and when tasks are due, fostering a sense of accountability and collaboration

      June 2, 2024

    • Robert R

      Solid Tool, Room for Improvement

      I appreciate the ability to view and modify my team's tasks in real time with toggl-plan. It's easy to plan a project up to the final deadline and track its progress. However, the software can sometimes be slow and certain features could be improved. It occasionally freezes and loading past weeks can take some time when scrolling. I also preferred the old task view as it was simpler to modify and didn't take up the whole screen.

      May 27, 2024

    • Quintessa S

      Intuitive Interface and Color-Coded Timelines for Efficient Project Management

      its intuitive interface makes it easy to assign tasks and monitor progress. The color-coded timelines provide a clear visual representation of our project timeline, making it easier to identify potential bottlenecks

      May 19, 2024

    • Grover G

      Pricing Review for Toggl Plan

      I've been using the free version of Toggl since 211, daily. I've often thought about upgrading to a paid version to access more features, particularly Rounding and Report saving, but I find the subscription rates too expensive. Given my small budget and the fact that I'm in Canada, I can't afford $9. per month US just for these features. I wish there was an option to pay for individual features on top of the free version. Thanks for listening.

      May 11, 2024

    • Judith Smith

      Juggling Tasks? Toggl Plan is Your Solution!

      I must commend the exceptional customer service at Toggl Plan. As a non-profit with limited resources, we've received incredible support from the Toggl Plan team. When I first started my current role, I was unsure how to organize everything and keep my team on track. After extensive research, I found Toggl Plan to be the best option. They constantly introduce new features, which has significantly improved our team's productivity. The software is extremely user-friendly and not at all confusing. As a small team of about five, it's been very beneficial to view our workspace and see everyone's priorities. Before Toggl Plan, I was constantly asking everyone about their daily tasks and discussing prioritization. Now, I can see what the research assistants have on their to-do lists without having to spend extra time.

      May 7, 2024

    • Anthony M

      Toggl Plan: A Project Manager's Best Friend

      As a project manager, I've found Toggl Plan to be an invaluable tool for keeping track of tasks and deadlines

      April 28, 2024

    • Katherine Davis

      Great Concept but Lacking Interface

      The software, toggl-plan, has a great concept but a poor interface. I find it frustrating that I can't start a timer for a specific client, only a project. For instance, if I'm making shoes for different people, it seems I have to describe each shoe for each person. Additionally, the client's name isn't always visible, requiring me to search through the interface. Editing entries isn't straightforward either, especially if I forget to start or stop the timer. It feels like the software was designed by managers for managers, without considering the end-user. Overall, while the functionality is impressive, the interface is disappointing.

      April 21, 2024

    • Douglas Martinez

      Exceptional Customer Support: Toggl Plan Delivers Prompt Solutions

      Finally, the customer support provided by Toggl Plan is top-notch. Any queries or issues we've had have been promptly addressed by their support team.

      April 15, 2024

    • Anthony C

      Scheduling Maestro with Toggl Plan

      I really enjoy using toggl-plan. I've had several interactions with their support team and they've always been incredibly positive and helpful. I'm a huge fan of the software's funky, colorful, and optimistic aesthetic. As a creative business owner, I find it extremely beneficial and I've recommended it to many others. I especially love the visual, linear overview of my year. As a visual person, it's fantastic to see when I'm too busy to take on another project, or when I can suggest my next available period to a potential client. However, I do wish we could access more features without having to upgrade. It would be wonderful to have a board view for at least one client or project.

      April 13, 2024