Perdoo is a robust goal management platform designed to transform excellent strategies into remarkable outcomes. It enhances strategic execution by providing a simple yet effective interface for setting, tracking, and achieving goals. The software promotes transparency, alignment, and focus within teams, driving them towards collective success. Perdoo's features include OKR (Objectives and Key Results) management, real-time progress tracking, and integration with other productivity tools. It is an ideal solution for organizations aiming to streamline their strategic planning and execution processes.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Perdoo?
  • 04How Perdoo compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Perdoo best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Perdoo Reviews

What is Perdoo?

Perdoo is an innovative SaaS platform that revolutionizes how businesses manage their strategy, goals, and people. It provides a single platform for effective communication of business strategies in real-time, ensuring alignment across the organization. Perdoo's key feature is its roadmap to success, which allows businesses to design their future and share their strategy with those responsible for its execution. It also offers a solution for setting meaningful goals by aligning resources and focusing on impactful outcomes. Perdoo is a comprehensive solution that empowers businesses to communicate effectively, align efforts, and track progress towards objectives. It is available at competitive prices on Secret, a marketplace for top SaaS products.

Pros from reviewers

  • User-friendly: Perdoo is intuitive and easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that requires minimal onboarding effort. It also provides ample documentation on how to start with the OKR methodology

  • Learning resources: Perdoo provides a wealth of learning resources, including ebooks and free content, to help users understand and implement OKR more effectively

  • Focus on OKR: Perdoo is a software that specializes in OKR (Objectives and Key Results) management, making it easier for organizations to set, track, and achieve their goals

  • Communication and transparency: Perdoo facilitates better communication and transparency within teams. It helps communicate strategic objectives, fosters discussions about individual contributions, and increases transparency around goals.

  • Value from day one: Unlike other systems, Perdoo adds value to organizations from the first day of use. It helps link vision with daily tasks, making it easier to align strategic objectives with everyday operations

Cons from reviewers

  • Limited mobile app functionality: The Perdoo Android app does not offer the same level of functionality as the web app, leading to a disjointed user experience

  • Lack of customization: Some users have found that they cannot customize certain aspects of the platform, such as the health report metrics or views based on filters, which can limit its usefulness for specific needs

  • Rapid product evolution: As the product is still rapidly evolving, it has some rough edges and bugs, and there is limited visibility into the upcoming roadmap and recent releases. This can make it difficult for users to plan their usage of the tool effectively.

  • Occasional technical glitches: Some users have reported minor technical issues, such as an objective update not being saved on the first try, which can slow down progress and cause frustration

  • Software malfunctions: Users have reported frequent software glitches, such as updates not being saved or key results being overwritten, which can disrupt workflow and cause confusion

Main features

Starting Price


/ user / month

Free Plan


Save a full working day a year

Get up-to-speed in minutes not months

Plan, track, deliver your growth goals

Communicate strategy with clarity

Go from macro to micro

Who is Perdoo best for according to our reviewers?

  • Organizations Seeking Strategic Alignment: Companies looking to link their vision with daily tasks, set up strategy, OKRs, KPIs, and performance reviews in one tool

  • Performance Management Consultants: Professionals who specialize in OKR and need a simple, intuitive tool for goal setting and tracking

  • Teams Needing Transparency and Accountability: Groups looking to increase transparency around their goals and hold themselves accountable for their commitments and results

  • Companies Focused on Growth: Businesses that need to maintain focus on strategic priorities and manage growth agendas, with a tool that provides just the right amount of functionality for successful OKR use

  • Teams Seeking Improved Workflow: Groups that want to be more focused and data-driven through the use of OKRs, and need a user-friendly tool with excellent functionality.

  • Perdoo Reviews


    Perdoo rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    19 Perdoo Reviews

    4.5 (19 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Rowena S

      Perdoo: Delivering High-Quality Software through Regular Updates and Improvements

      The regular updates and improvements that Perdoo makes to their software shows their commitment to providing a high-quality product.

      August 13, 2024

    • Daphne G

      Revolutionizing Our Strategy Approach with Perdoo

      My experience with Perdoo has been outstanding. The team was very supportive and knowledgeable during the initial setup and has always been available for assistance. Perdoo has given us a fantastic method to plan and visualize long-term goals, keeping our team focused on key tasks. It also acts as a simple tool to track and discuss progress during our weekly team meetings. Initially, we felt some features were missing from the platform, but most of them have been added in later updates.

      August 5, 2024

    • Ashley W

      Enhanced Customization: Streamlining Team Efficiency with Perdoo

      The ability to customize our view in Perdoo has made it easier for different teams within our organization to use the software effectively

      July 30, 2024

    • Questa D

      Insightful Reporting: Unveiling Performance and Improvement Areas

      I've found the reporting features particularly useful, they provide clear insights into our performance and areas for improvement

      July 20, 2024

    • Timothy F

      Streamlining Success: Perdoo's Focus on Essential Business Priorities

      Perdoo helps me maintain focus on strategic priorities and manage growth agendas. Its simplicity and focus are crucial, providing just the right amount of functionality for successful OKR use. The company aims to make these features as simple and easy as possible, with a user-friendly interface and minimal onboarding effort. There's ample documentation on how to start with the OKR methodology. However, it lacks a graphical export of the entire OKR Map. I chose Perdoo for its pure focus on OKR, not just task management with a bit of OKR. The company's resources, including eBooks and videos, convinced me of their expertise and strategic OKR plan. They understand how a tool can optimally support this.

      July 15, 2024

    • Thalia G

      Streamlined Workflow with Software Integration

      The software's ability to integrate with other tools we use, such as Slack and Google Suite, has streamlined our workflow significantly

      July 7, 2024

    • Zachary Davis

      Excellent, Streamlined OKR Management Tool

      We initially introduced Perdoo to a small core team, but over the past year, it has become an essential tool in our workflow, used across all major teams. It has been instrumental in successfully implementing the OKR framework in our company. I appreciate that this app is focused on OKRs and does it well, without the unnecessary complexity of other management frameworks that some competitors include. The company continues to add features that genuinely enhance our OKR management process, such as the new check-in functionality and explore feature. Occasionally, there are minor technical glitches, like an objective update not being saved on the first try. We chose Perdoo for its focused approach and lack of unnecessary bloat. After an internal test run, it was clearly the preferred tool among our target users.

      July 2, 2024

    • Marilyn W

      Excellent OKR Tool: Perdoo

      Perdoo helps me communicate strategic objectives to my team and fosters discussions about individual contributions. It's a user-friendly tool that aligns everyone towards the same goal and tracks progress using data. The platform's forms/templates assist in defining each objective or Key Result, which I find to be the most challenging part of the process. The check-in function is useful for maintaining focus throughout the cycle. Customizing views based on filters like cycle, owner, and objective takes some time. Some metrics in the health report aren't relevant to me, so I would appreciate the ability to customize it. I switched to Perdoo for more automation and better visibility into progress throughout the cycle and the entire year.

      June 23, 2024

    • Carol

      The Game-Changing Power of Perdoo's OKR Framework: Fostering Focus and Effective Prioritization

      The OKR framework that Perdoo uses has been a game-changer for us, it's helped us stay focused and prioritize effectively

      June 18, 2024

    • Heather

      Intuitive User Interface for Team Progress Tracking

      The user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it simple for everyone on my team to understand our progress

      June 8, 2024

    • Cheryl R

      Excellent OKR, Strategy & Performance Enhancer with Perdoo

      I find Perdoo to be an intuitive tool for implementing OKR and executing strategies. It's ideal for improving my team's performance and achieving our goals more efficiently. The simple KPI and OKR tracking lets us focus on what's crucial and track our progress towards our desired outcomes. It's a great tool for boosting my entire team's engagement. So far, we haven't found anything we dislike about it.

      June 2, 2024

    • Adam J

      Perdoo's Transparency Drives Goal Achievement

      I appreciate the transparency that Perdoo provides, it allows me to see how individual contributions are driving us towards our overall goals

      May 26, 2024

    • William Davis

      Excellent OKR Goal-Setting Tool with Perdoo

      Perdoo has helped me grasp OKR goal setting and connecting objectives, key results, and initiatives. It's a tool that understands how to set up Strategy, OKRs, KPIs, and Performance review. It helps link your vision with daily tasks in one tool. They provide great ebooks and free content for learning. However, the Perdoo Android app doesn't match up to the web app. I switched to Perdoo because Asana's goals and reporting are premium features.

      May 21, 2024

    • Samuel Miller

      Perdoo: A Valuable Resource for Goal-Setting and Performance Management

      I've appreciated the resources and guidance that Perdoo provides on goal-setting and performance management, they've been very helpful for our team

      May 13, 2024

    • Carol Jones

      Perdoo: A Powerful Tool for Team Alignment

      I've found Perdoo to be an incredibly useful tool for aligning my team's goals and objectives

      May 5, 2024

    • Merrick

      Perdoo: Excelling in Strategic Alignment with OKRs

      We initially introduced Perdoo to our executive team, then expanded it to our top managers, and now we're seeing demand for it across a larger group. The tool is helping us increase transparency around our goals and hold ourselves accountable for our commitments and results. We appreciate the weekly check-in process and the user-friendly way of showing progress on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). It's simple and intuitive to set up and update OKRs. I particularly value how Perdoo links Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and OKRs, both of which are crucial for achieving goals. The feature to track initiatives is a nice addition to the traditional OKR model. However, the product is still rapidly evolving and has some rough edges and bugs, which we've reported to support. There's limited visibility into the upcoming roadmap and recent releases, such as the arbitrary limit of KPIs (4), and the inability to view OKR insights for sub-groups within a business unit. We chose.

      April 29, 2024

    • Austin Williams

      Perdoo's Impressive Customer Service

      I've been impressed by Perdoo's customer service, they've been responsive and helpful whenever we've had questions or needed assistance

      April 20, 2024

    • Alexis

      Excellent for OKR Management, User-Friendly and Well-Designed

      Perdoo has significantly improved our team's workflow, enabling us to be more focused and data-driven through the use of OKRs. We've experimented with several tools, but Perdoo has proven to be the best. It's user-friendly, offers excellent functionality, and I find the roadmap extremely useful. It's also visually pleasing and provides a practical approach for our team members who are new to OKRs. We've come across a "something went wrong" screen a few times, but not on crucial features, and I believe this problem has been fixed. We haven't had to reach out to support yet, but based on the product, I anticipate it to be satisfactory. We transitioned to Perdoo because, despite using Jira and it seeming logical to install an OKR extension, it didn't provide what Perdoo does. Our development team continues to use Jira for development tasks/issues and sprints, but we store Objectives and Key Results in Perdoo.

      April 14, 2024

    • Jonathan R

      Exasperating, Often Unusable, Barely MVP

      My experience with Perdoo was awful. The pre-sales process was impressive, but once I purchased and began using the software, it malfunctioned. Every time a colleague updated a key result, I would get an email filled with question marks, making it hard to identify the updates. The numbers and descriptions would randomly alter. It was so terrible that we switched to Google Sheets. Although the support team was prompt in responding, they failed to rectify any of the issues we reported. We noticed that figures were frequently overwritten and descriptions for key results were replaced while navigating. We reported all these problems to Perdoo, but none were fixed. We didn't spend $2k to be beta testers for their software. The vendor acknowledged our dissatisfaction and promised to introduce new bug resolution processes in response to our feedback. However, it was too late for us and we decided to move on.

      April 13, 2024