ChurnZero is a real-time Customer Success platform designed to help subscription-based businesses combat customer churn. It integrates with business systems and offers behavior analytics to comprehend customer usage, enabling businesses to personalize customer experiences, automate tasks, and enhance retention. Key features include customer health scoring, NPS tracking, and customer segmentation. This platform aids in understanding customers better and improving overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Churnzero?
  • 04How Churnzero compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Churnzero best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Churnzero Reviews

What is Churnzero?

ChurnZero is a real-time Customer Success platform designed to combat customer churn in subscription businesses. It integrates with various data systems to provide a comprehensive view of customer behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their approach accordingly. Features include automated customer journeys, alerts for user behavior changes, in-app communications, and detailed analytics. This enables businesses to track product usage, identify at-risk customers, and automate personalized engagement. ChurnZero is particularly beneficial for SaaS companies aiming to improve customer retention and expand their customer base. The platform allows businesses to proactively manage customer relationships and significantly reduce churn.

Pros from reviewers

  • Proactive monitoring of client health: ChurnZero allows for proactive monitoring of client health and management of renewals, saving countless hours per month in tracking activities, tasks, and data collection

  • Rich features that automate tasks: The Playbooks and Journeys offered by ChurnZero automate tasks that were previously managed manually, saving time and improving efficiency

  • Detailed information on specific activities: ChurnZero provides detailed information on specific activities, allowing for effective assistance to each user and quick response to potential issues.

  • Enhanced visibility on usage stats and client churn risk: ChurnZero provides a clear understanding of clients' usage statistics and their risk of churning, which is particularly beneficial for customer service teams

  • Simplified renewal process: The software simplifies the annual renewal process, improving communication and helping to establish plays, which is advantageous for sales teams

Cons from reviewers

  • Limited search functionality: Some workflows in ChurnZero are unnecessarily difficult, like searching for an account. If a CRM has duplicate accounts, it can be hard to know which one to select in the CZ search dropdown

  • Inability to CC people on the same email: When using plays or journeys, the software doesn't allow to CC people from the same company on the same email. It sends individual emails, so multiple people from the same company receive the same email separately

  • Heavy and unintuitive interface: The software feels heavy and lacks intuitiveness, making it hard to navigate and understand where to click

  • Inaccurate ChurnScore: The ChurnScore may not always accurately reflect clients' health, which can be subjective to each client and their specific strategy and platform use

  • Lack of real-time interaction feature: The software doesn't allow real-time interaction with colleagues through @ mentions, which can limit communication and collaboration.

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Integration with Various Data Systems

Real-time Customer Success Platform

Automated Customer Journeys

In-app Communications and Alerts

Who is Churnzero best for according to our reviewers?

  • Sales Teams: ChurnZero simplifies the annual renewal process, improves communication, and helps establish plays, benefiting these teams

  • Customer Service Teams: These teams benefit from ChurnZero's ability to provide enhanced visibility on usage stats and a clearer understanding of clients' risk of churning

  • Customer Success Managers (CSMs): ChurnZero provides CSMs with a consistent and scalable way to understand and manage business risk, and offers features that automate tasks, saving countless hours per month in tracking activities, tasks, and data collection

  • Support and Success Teams: These teams use ChurnZero to track usage statistics, understand customer activities and behaviors, communicate with customers via in-app and email platforms, and monitor renewals, making it a great tool for companies prioritizing visibility.

  • Client Interaction Specialists: For those who frequently interact with clients, ChurnZero enables swift review of usage reports, recent activities, and active contacts, and provides trigger emails and custom alerts to proactively address potential client issues

  • Churnzero Reviews


    Churnzero rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    18 Churnzero Reviews

    4.7 (18 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Teresa Martinez

      ChurnZero: A Time-Saver that Pinpoints Client Needs to Minimize Churn

      With ChurnZero, I can easily understand individual usage without logging into each account. It gives me detailed information on specific activities, helping me assist each user effectively. I can stay updated even without being logged in, as it sends email alerts for important events, enabling me to respond quickly to potential issues. I wish there were a few more alerts, but the team has been very responsive and we're just waiting for the tech to integrate with our platforms.

      August 4, 2024

    • Joan E

      Enhanced Productivity with ChurnZero's Task Management Feature

      The task management feature in ChurnZero has greatly improved our productivity. We can now easily assign tasks, track progress, and ensure nothing falls through the cracks

      July 27, 2024

    • Ronald Smith

      Advanced Tech Powerhouse: ChurnZero

      I value the usage insights, NPS launch, and support ticket view that ChurnZero offers. I'm also satisfied with the integration and customer service support we've received. However, I'm let down by the software's inability to allow real-time interaction with colleagues through @ mentions.

      July 21, 2024

    • Edward S

      Excellent for Monitoring Customer Progress Or Lack Thereof

      My experience with ChurnZero has been largely positive. We had a lot of data and determining what to track and when was key to enhancing its performance. Now, after addressing some initial problems, ChurnZero is operating smoothly and enables us to track data we previously couldn't, giving us an advantage over our clients. ChurnZero has been very responsive to our needs and has provided excellent feedback, even if they couldn't fulfill all our requirements. It's fantastic to have a system that monitors our customers' activities and lets us set benchmarks for them. The only issue I've encountered is the inability to CC people from the same company on the same email when using plays or journeys. At present, it sends individual emails, so multiple people from the same company receive the same email separately. We hope this feature will be incorporated in the future.

      July 14, 2024

    • Gerald Rodriguez

      ChurnZero: Transforming Client Management for Success!

      As someone who frequently interacts with clients and schedules calls, I find ChurnZero incredibly beneficial. It enables me to swiftly review usage reports, recent activities, and even active contacts. There have been times when I've discovered new users through the ChurnZero dashboard or my custom alerts, improving my visibility to all relevant parties. The trigger emails and custom alerts have been lifesavers, allowing me to proactively address potential client issues before they raise them. This has made me a knowledgeable ally and resource for my clients. My only minor complaint is that the ChurnScore may not always accurately reflect my clients' health, but I understand this is subjective to each client and their specific strategy and platform use.

      July 7, 2024

    • Cynthia

      ChurnZero Integration Enhances Workflow and Data Accuracy

      ChurnZero's integration with our CRM system has streamlined our workflow and improved data accuracy. It's now easier than ever to keep track of customer interactions and ensure we're providing the best possible service

      June 29, 2024

    • Sandra G

      ChurnZero's Automation: A Game-Changer for Our Team

      The automation features in ChurnZero have been a game-changer for our team. We've been able to automate routine tasks, freeing up time to focus on strategic initiatives

      June 24, 2024

    • Kevin B

      Customization in ChurnZero: A Versatile Customer Success Management Tool

      I've been impressed with the level of customization available in ChurnZero. It allows us to tailor the software to our specific needs, making it a truly versatile tool for customer success management

      June 15, 2024

    • Gerald Rodriguez

      Transformative Customer Success Management with ChurnZero

      Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with ChurnZero. It's a powerful tool that has transformed our approach to customer success management.

      June 10, 2024

    • James

      Efficient Training Resources: Unlocking ChurnZero's Full Potential

      I appreciate the training resources provided by ChurnZero. They've helped our team quickly get up to speed with the software and maximize its potential

      June 2, 2024

    • Philip Garcia

      Superb Platform, Exceptional Team, Outstanding Experience

      My Customer Success Manager (CSM) at ChurnZero has been exceptional, consistently exceeding expectations. This is the primary reason I'm writing this review. The readily available integrations function well and include a dedicated CSM. The learning curve is less steep compared to other platforms. We utilize Google BQ for our general product usage data, but building an API to extract this data weekly demands significant development hours from us, which is the only drawback. I selected ChurnZero because it provides a superior experience at a reasonable price, along with a dedicated CSM.

      May 27, 2024

    • Sara Rodriguez

      ChurnZero: A Daily Struggle

      Overall, I have to use ChurnZero daily for my job, but I dislike it so much that I only allocate time weekly to make all my entries, avoiding it as much as possible. The only feature I appreciate is the email stream it shows for each client account. However, the software feels heavy and lacks intuitiveness, making it hard to navigate and understand where to click.

      May 20, 2024

    • Steven Miller

      ChurnZero Boosts Team Efficiency with User-Friendly Interface and Reporting Capabilities

      ChurnZero's user-friendly interface and comprehensive reporting capabilities have significantly improved our team's efficiency. We can now easily track customer engagement and identify trends that help us improve our services

      May 13, 2024

    • Dylan Johnson

      ChurnZero: A Game-Changer for Customer Success Managers

      As a customer success manager, I've found ChurnZero to be an invaluable tool in managing client relationships. The real-time analytics and customer segmentation features have allowed me to proactively address potential issues before they become problems

      May 5, 2024

    • Madison S

      Exceptional Support Team at ChurnZero: Responsive, Knowledgeable, and Helpful

      The support team at ChurnZero has been exceptional. They're responsive, knowledgeable, and always willing to help us get the most out of the software

      April 27, 2024

    • Terry G

      Exploring the Flexibility and Potential of ChurnZero

      I'm relatively new to using ChurnZero, but I'm impressed by its flexibility and the extensive information it can pull from Salesforce. My company prioritizes visibility and ChurnZero is proving to be a great tool for our Support and Success team. We use it to track usage statistics, understand customer activities and behaviors, communicate with customers via in-app and email platforms, and monitor renewals. We believe there's still much more to explore with this tool. We're hopeful that ChurnZero will help us in forecasting, identifying and addressing at-risk customers, NPS and reporting. Abby did an excellent job training our team. We do encounter some internal challenges, like ensuring our data in Salesforce is clean and figuring out what's best to monitor for our customers' health. However, the more we use ChurnZero, the better we become at finding the right balance.

      April 20, 2024

    • Grace

      Enhanced Customer Insights: ChurnZero's Predictive Analytics Revolutionize Retention Strategies

      ChurnZero's predictive analytics have given us a new level of insight into customer behavior. We can now anticipate churn risk and take proactive measures to retain customers

      April 15, 2024

    • Kyle Miller

      Potent Software, Excellent Support, Room for Improvement

      My experience with ChurnZero's account and services teams has been extremely positive. They are high-energy individuals always ready to assist. With ChurnZero, I feel I can truly understand and manage my business risk in a consistent and scalable way. I appreciate the visibility it provides into the health of each customer and customer segment my team manages. We're still getting used to the Playbooks and Journeys, but they offer many rich features that automate tasks we used to manage manually. I believe ChurnZero will save our global CSM team countless hours per month in tracking activities, tasks, and data collection over the next year. However, some workflows in ChurnZero are unnecessarily difficult, like searching for an account. If our CRM has duplicate accounts, it can be hard to know which one to select in the CZ search dropdown. We chose ChurnZero because it can manage.

      April 14, 2024