MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database tool designed to handle vast amounts of data across many servers, providing high availability and easy scalability. It offers dynamic schemas, enabling faster and easier integration of data. MongoDB stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, ensuring diverse data types can be stored together for seamless data manipulation. This software is ideal for businesses seeking to spend less time managing information and more time utilizing it effectively.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is mongoDB?
  • 04How mongoDB compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is mongoDB best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06mongoDB Reviews

What is mongoDB?

MongoDB is a database management system that provides a range of features to help businesses grow by enabling faster and smarter creation. It offers a flexible document data model and a unified query interface for all use cases, allowing for faster development and iteration. MongoDB is cloud-managed, making it scalable and ideal for startups. It can be used for various transactional, analytical, and data virtualization applications. The platform can be run anywhere, anytime, even on a simple laptop. It also prioritizes data security with ISO/IEC 27 001 and HDS certifications. Many companies, including Bosch, Cisco, Toyota, and Humanitix, use MongoDB due to its performance and relevance.

Pros from reviewers

  • Easy to learn: MongoDB is user-friendly and easy to learn, making it a great choice for beginners and experts alike

  • Secure data storage: MongoDB offers high security for data storage, ensuring that your data is safe and manageable

  • Cloud solution: MongoDB's Atlas Cloud allows for easy integration of a single database across multiple apps, with user-friendly management and affordable cost

  • Document orientation: MongoDB's document-oriented nature makes it an excellent choice for handling various types of data needs, especially for applications that require a flexible schema

  • High performance: MongoDB is known for its high performance, speed, and efficiency, making it a great choice for managing large amounts of data.

Cons from reviewers

  • Problems with Atlas Compass UX: Users have reported issues with the Atlas Compass UX, such as not being able to open multiple tabs with collections at the same time and losing search queries when switching between collections

  • Limited memory in the free version: Users have reported that the free version of MongoDB has limited memory, which can necessitate an upgrade for unlimited data insertion

  • Poor customer support: There have been complaints about MongoDB's customer support being non-existent or unhelpful, even for minor technical issues

  • Issues with complex data: Some users have found that dealing with complex data can be difficult in MongoDB, particularly when it comes to updating collection indexing and managing memory usage

  • Inferior client tool: Some users have found the Compass client tool to be inferior compared to other database software tools, with most of the access to the collections being CLI-based.

Main features

Starting Price


/ month

Free Plan


Automate your administrative operations

Find and view your data easily

Integrated security

Deploy your data in different clouds

Make your databases evolve with the demand

Firebase and MongoDB are powerful platforms for managing databases, each offering valuable features that can significantly enhance your application's backend. However, there are several key differences to consider when deciding which is best for your project.

First is the architecture. Firebase is a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that provides a real-time NoSQL database known as Firestore. It is designed to offer seamless data synchronization across clients, real-time updates, and integration with various Google services, making it ideal for developing mobile and web applications quickly. On the other hand, MongoDB is a NoSQL database that uses a flexible document-oriented model, which allows developers to store data in JSON-like documents. MongoDB excels in handling large volumes of unstructured data, complex queries, and providing scalability through sharding and replication.

When it comes to pricing, Firebase offers a pay-as-you-go model, starting with a free tier that...

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Who is mongoDB best for according to our reviewers?

  • Users dealing with variable length and semi-irregular data: These users find MongoDB to be a reliable solution for hosting incoming user data with variable lengths and semi-irregular formats. They appreciate its easy implementation and reliability, but note challenges with data visualization and connectivity with AWS VPC

  • Developers working with Node.js: These users appreciate MongoDB for its simplicity when querying JSON-like data, making it a preferred choice for Node.js application development. However, they note that the non-tabular structure can complicate the application of joins using aggregation

  • Data Warehousing Professionals: These users have used MongoDB to build multi-node clusters for data warehousing and ETL tools. They acknowledge that while MongoDB has improved over time, it may not offer as robust backups as other databases like MSSQL and Oracle

  • Users needing a database for microservices applications: These users find MongoDB to be the top choice for microservices applications due to its scalability, user-friendliness, and integrations with popular programming languages. They caution that as a NoSQL database, it may be challenging for beginners

  • Users managing large data entries: These users value MongoDB for managing websites with thousands of data entries. They appreciate its speed and simplification of object-oriented data storage, but note that its global adoption isn't as widespread as other databases, which can limit online resources.

  • mongoDB Reviews


    mongoDB rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    23 mongoDB Reviews

    4.3 (23 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Patrick

      Cost Savings and Efficiency: The Impact of Adopting MongoDB for our Company

      As a CTO, I've seen how adopting MongoDB has led to cost savings for our company. Its efficient storage and computation capabilities have reduced our hardware requirements

      September 7, 2024

    • Timothy

      Accelerated Leap in Database Management with MongoDB

      I use MongoDB with my applications and find it to be the best database for any data set. It's incredibly fast and requires less memory. I value its flexibility, as it allows me to create collections without a predetermined number of rows and columns. I can add data without restrictions and it provides a JSON output that's easy to work with. Adding, editing, and removing data is simple. If a certain section has multiple data, I can insert them as sub-arrays, which makes the development process very flexible. The only downside is that the free version has limited memory, necessitating an upgrade for unlimited data insertion. I switched to MongoDB because it uses very little memory and is extremely fast. Plus, there are no limitations on the data in a certain collection, like a fixed number of rows or columns, allowing me to use it as freely as I wish.

      September 2, 2024

    • Terry Rodriguez

      Efficient Field Indexing in MongoDB: Enhancing Query Performance

      As a database manager, I appreciate the ease with which I can index any field in a document in MongoDB. This feature has significantly improved our query performance

      August 25, 2024

    • Isolde D

      Potentially My New Preferred Data Storage Solution

      I've had a great experience with MongoDB. It allowed me to manage a website with thousands of data entries and offered all the standard features such as relations and performance management. MongoDB simplifies object-oriented data storage and is extremely fast. However, its global adoption isn't yet widespread, so online resources can sometimes be limited compared to other databases. I switched to MongoDB as I wanted a more modern tool, feeling that SQL was becoming outdated.

      August 19, 2024

    • Juan Miller

      Exploring MongoDB: A User's Perspective

      I utilized MongoDB to host incoming user data on one of our portals, as we required a solution for variable length data with a semi-irregular format. MongoDB was easy to implement, reliable, and caused no issues once configured. It was our preferred NoSQL database due to its simple installation and ease of use. We had previously used MongoDB for smaller projects and decided to use MongoDB Atlas service for a reliable online instance. This hosted version resolved many configuration issues. However, we encountered challenges with the visualization aspect of MongoDB. It was difficult and slow to implement various methods to display dashboards of our data. We also had issues connecting MongoDB Atlas with our AWS VPC for our cloud functions to access it. We chose MongoDB as we had used it for an earlier version of our project and decided to stick with what we were familiar with.

      August 13, 2024

    • James

      Exploring the Versatility and Efficiency of MongoDB: A Personal Journey

      Absolutely! Here's my take: I've been exploring MongoDB and it's been quite an adventure! It's a unique software that offers a non-relational database, which is a refreshing change from the traditional SQL databases I've been using. The flexibility of its schema-less design is truly liberating, allowing me to store data in a way that's most convenient for my projects. I've noticed that MongoDB is particularly efficient when dealing with large amounts of data, which is a huge plus for big projects. It's also been a breeze to scale horizontally, thanks to its built-in sharding capabilities. The learning curve was a bit steep at first, but that's just because MongoDB is packed with so many powerful features. Once I got the hang of it, I found it to be an incredibly versatile tool. Overall, MongoDB is a robust software that's pushing the boundaries of what's possible with databases. I'm excited to continue exploring its capabilities and see how it can further enhance my projects!

      August 3, 2024

    • Timothy

      Top-tier Non-SQL Database: MongoDB

      Overall, I find Mongo to be a better option than SQL-based data. It's particularly useful when developing applications with Node.js due to the simplicity of querying its JSON-like data. However, the non-tabular structure of the data can sometimes make applying joins using aggregation complicated.

      July 27, 2024

    • Charles

      Exploring the Versatility and Efficiency of MongoDB: A Personal Journey

      Absolutely! Here's my take: I've been exploring MongoDB and it's been quite an adventure! It's a unique software that offers a non-relational database, which is a refreshing change from the traditional SQL databases I've been using. The flexibility of its schema-less design is truly liberating, allowing me to store data in a way that's most convenient for my projects. I've noticed that MongoDB is particularly efficient when dealing with large amounts of data, which is a huge plus for big projects. It's also been a breeze to scale horizontally, thanks to its built-in sharding capabilities. The learning curve was a bit steep at first, but that's just because MongoDB is packed with so many powerful features. Once I got the hang of it, I found it to be an incredibly versatile tool. Overall, MongoDB is a robust software that's pushing the boundaries of what's possible with databases. I'm excited to continue exploring its capabilities and see how it can further enhance my projects!

      July 20, 2024

    • George Martinez

      Affordable MongoDB: A Journey of Evolution and Improvement

      I have built several multi-node clusters for data warehousing for ETL tools using MongoDB. Initially, I encountered numerous issues in getting it to work. The documentation was patchy two years ago, but it has significantly improved now. The software has also evolved to include features that were previously lacking. However, we decided to move away from this product because it doesn't offer backups as robust as MSSQL and Oracle, but it's excellent for certain types of data needs. I was able to use a free version of it and it does support clustering. However, I found the Compass client tool to be inferior compared to other DB software tools. Most of the access to the collections within is CLI-based. We chose MongoDB because at the time, it was the only software supported by a third-party software we were using. We have since moved away from that third-party software and this platform.

      July 15, 2024

    • Blaise D

      Mastering MongoDB: A User's Journey

      I find MongoDB beneficial for modeling social graph data and catalog data. It offers an easy setup with multiple SDKs and an effective replication strategy. The aggregation modeling is quite simple. However, updating collection indexing is challenging and it increases memory usage. I opted for MongoDB as it was the simplest to set up. We were developing a POC and required easy integrations to launch to market quicker.

      July 7, 2024

    • Frances A

      MongoDB's Geospatial Querying: Empowering Complex Geospatial Analyses

      As a data scientist, I find MongoDB's geospatial querying capabilities extremely useful. It allows me to perform complex geospatial analyses with ease

      July 1, 2024

    • Lisa M

      Exploring the Efficiency of MongoDB: A Personal Perspective

      I consider MongoDB to be quick, flexible, and very user-friendly. It efficiently handles multi-server clusters and provides extensive documentation features. However, dealing with complex data can be difficult. I moved to MongoDB out of curiosity and found the switch worthwhile. I would certainly recommend it to others.

      June 25, 2024

    • Andrea Smith

      Convenient Multi-Language Support: MongoDB's Seamless Integration with Node.js and Python

      As a software engineer, I find MongoDB's support for multiple programming languages extremely convenient. It integrates seamlessly with our tech stack, which includes Node.js and Python

      June 17, 2024

    • Ethan M

      MongoDB's Redundancy and Failover Capabilities for System Administrators

      As a system administrator, I appreciate MongoDB's built-in redundancy and failover capabilities. It gives me peace of mind knowing that our data is safe and accessible even if a server goes down

      June 11, 2024

    • Louis B

      Java Developer's Perspective on MongoDB

      In my view, MongoDB is the top database for microservices applications. It scales effectively and is user-friendly, offering many integrations with well-known programming languages. It's also simple to set up for heavy loads. However, as a NoSQL database, it could be difficult for beginners, and choosing and configuring indexes can be tough. I opted for MongoDB as it was easier and perfectly met our requirements. We transitioned to MongoDB from the Amazon platform.

      June 4, 2024

    • Mary B

      MongoDB's Horizontal Scalability Boosts Team Productivity

      As a project manager, I've seen how MongoDB's horizontal scalability has improved our team's productivity. We can easily add new servers and distribute the database load across them

      May 25, 2024

    • Kevin G

      Benefits of MongoDB's Document-Oriented Structure for Developers

      As a developer, I appreciate MongoDB's document-oriented structure. It allows me to work with complex hierarchical data relationships in a more intuitive way than traditional relational databases

      May 21, 2024

    • Lauren Smith

      Unmatched Scalability and Flexibility with JSON-like Format

      its scalability and flexibility are unparalleled. The ability to store data in a JSON-like format makes it easy to understand and manipulate

      May 14, 2024

    • Julie

      Exceptional Support and Quality: My Experience with MongoDB

      I'm absolutely thrilled with MongoDB! Their support is always available, even for minor technical issues like CORS errors. I spent 18 hours in a productive chat with a representative who was learning on the job, and he kindly directed me to their comprehensive wiki. Despite having a team of experts, we were initially unable to fix the error because it was a unique situation. But, MongoDB stepped up and offered their premium support service to help us out. I will always choose MongoDB Atlas service due to its high quality, which could potentially save projects millions. In summary, I strongly recommend using MongoDB as their services are top-notch!

      May 4, 2024

    • Emma Jones

      Excellent Data Storage Solution, Yet Room for Enhancement

      I've been using MongoDB for years, mainly as local storage in docker containers. My latest project utilizes their cloud solution, Atlas Cloud, which I value for its ability to integrate a single database across multiple apps with easy user management, all at an affordable cost. However, I have a problem with the Atlas Compass UX - I can't open multiple "tabs" with collections at the same time. Even worse, when I switch between collections, the state completely resets, deleting my carefully constructed search query. I frequently need to search for IDs from different collections, and it's frustrating to lose my query when I change collection scope. I also encounter issues with schema changes in the live DB, which can sometimes act unpredictably. I chose MongoDB for its document orientation, cloud feature, high security, and price, and switched to it due to poor security with my previous solution.

      April 27, 2024

    • Emma M

      MongoDB: A Powerful Tool for Big Data Analysis

      As a data analyst, I found MongoDB to be an excellent tool for handling large data sets

      April 23, 2024

    • Irene A

      Exploring MongoDB: A Recommended High-Quality Database

      I wholeheartedly recommend using this high-quality database, MongoDB! If an error occurs, it's an exciting challenge with logs that truly test your problem-solving skills. However, if you're looking for an alternative, MySQL/MariaDB is also a great option to consider!

      April 16, 2024

    • David Brown

      Powerful Aggregation: MongoDB's SQL Functionality with NoSQL Advantages

      As an IT consultant, I've recommended MongoDB to several clients due to its powerful aggregation framework. It provides all the functionality of SQL along with the benefits of NoSQL

      April 15, 2024