Hi5 is a social networking platform popular in regions like Latin America. Users can create profiles, share photos and videos, play games, and connect with new people. It features a friend networking system for sending friend requests and messages. Hi5 is accessible on both web and mobile platforms for easy connectivity.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Hi5?
  • 04How Hi5 compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Hi5 best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Hi5 Reviews

What is Hi5?

Hi5 is a global social networking platform launched in 2004, popular among teenagers and young adults. It allows users to create profiles, upload photos, send messages, play games, and engage in group discussions. Users can also rate their friends using the Hot or Not feature. The platform supports multiple languages and offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices. Despite competition, Hi5 remains popular due to its unique features and user-friendly interface. Special promotions are available for users to enhance their social experience at a discounted price.

Pros from reviewers

  • Boosts morale and motivation: Hi5 is known for significantly enhancing team morale and motivation by providing a platform for consistent recognition of each team member's valuable contribution

  • Provides a public platform for positive feedback: Hi5 allows for public recognition of team efforts, which can often be overlooked in fast-paced work environments. This platform allows for the documentation and lasting acknowledgment of exceptional performance

  • Enhances communication and understanding of job roles: Hi5 aids in improving communication within the team and provides more details about colleagues' job roles, fostering a better understanding and appreciation of each other's work

  • Encourages feedback and recognition: Hi5 promotes a culture of feedback and recognition, which not only boosts team morale but also encourages regular use of the platform due to its easy-to-use and fun interface

  • Reliable and accessible: Hi5 is a reliable platform that is always accessible, making it easy for remote teams to give praise when deserved. It is simple to use and does not require a complex setup, making it a user-friendly tool for team recognition.

Cons from reviewers

  • Cluttered user interface: The user interface of Hi5 is reported to be somewhat cluttered, particularly the Wall of Fame page, making it challenging to navigate and use effectively

  • Ineffective scammer filtering: Some users have reported that Hi5 does not effectively filter out scammers, leading to a high number of fraudulent profiles and inappropriate messages.

  • Limited number of users for the free version: The free version of Hi5 has a limitation on the number of users, which can be a disadvantage for larger teams or organizations

  • Error-prone system and excessive emails: Users have reported that the system can be prone to errors and sends out numerous emails, which can sometimes feel like spam, causing annoyance and disruption

  • Long loading times and need for frequent logouts: Users have reported long loading times and the need to log out and back in for software updates, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Interactive Features

Popular Among Young Demographic

Social Networking Platform

Multilingual Support

Mobile App Availability

Who is Hi5 best for according to our reviewers?

  • Team Leaders: Team leaders can use Hi5 to boost morale and motivation by consistently acknowledging each team member's valuable contribution. It provides a public platform for posting positive feedback and recognizing the team's efforts

  • Remote Workers: For remote teams, Hi5 is a reliable and always accessible platform to give praise when deserved. It is simple to use and doesn't require a complex setup. The GIPHY integration adds a fun and light-hearted element to the praises

  • Employees: Employees can use Hi5 to show appreciation for their coworkers. The app keeps them informed about team birthdays and makes them feel comfortable at work. It also aids communication and provides more details about their colleagues' job roles

  • Small Teams: Small teams can use Hi5 for its leaderboard feature and the opportunity it provides to publicly recognize peers, which greatly enhances morale. It's an excellent tool for enhancing morale individually and as a team

  • Social Network Users: Hi5 is also a social networking site that allows users to stay connected with friends, share photos, music, videos, greet others, and meet new people. It's great for meeting new friends and people, and even offers the chance to win items through coins earned on the site.

  • Hi5 Reviews


    Hi5 rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    24 Hi5 Reviews

    4.0 (24 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Henry D

      Hi5: The Ultimate Employee Engagement Solution

      As a consultant, I've recommended Hi5 to several of my clients. It's user-friendly, customizable, and effective at driving employee engagement

      September 16, 2024

    • Lisa Miller

      Unveiling Hi5: A Game Changer in Peer Recognition

      I enjoy using hi5, especially for its leaderboard feature and the opportunity it provides to publicly recognize peers, which I believe greatly enhances morale. I make a conscious effort to use this app for this reason. I don't see any negatives with the software itself, but I wish that higher-level management would use it more. The vendor responded well to my feedback, acknowledging the need for more management involvement and promising to address this in a future blog post.

      September 7, 2024

    • Willie G

      Affordable Employee Recognition: Hi5's Positive Impact on Company Culture

      As a small business owner, I've found Hi5 to be an affordable solution for employee recognition. It's easy to set up and has had a positive impact on our company culture

      September 2, 2024

    • Kyle

      Subpar Performance

      The quality of this website has declined while others have become more popular. I have deleted my account and stopped using it.

      August 24, 2024

    • Judson D

      Hi5: Empowering Employee Engagement with Valuable Analytics Insights

      As an executive, I've found Hi5 to be a powerful tool for driving employee engagement. The analytics feature provides valuable insights into team performance

      August 19, 2024

    • Kiera M

      Hi5: The Bonding Agent of Our Team

      I really enjoy using the hi5 app, but I feel there needs to be more emphasis on engagement. Sometimes, I forget to give a high5 and weeks pass without acknowledging a colleague. I suggest the app could integrate with Gmail and other platforms to make giving praise easier during the workday. What I love most about hi5 is that it encourages feedback and recognition, boosting team morale and promoting a positive culture. The app is easy to use and fun, encouraging regular use. Its visually dynamic layout provides a refreshing break from the usual desktop view. I even find myself revisiting old high5's for an extra boost. However, the software is still under development and can sometimes be difficult to navigate. The transition from screen to screen could be smoother. Also, the GIF function doesn't always work properly, sometimes only partially displaying on the wall. I switched to hi5 because our previous system didn't meet our needs.

      August 12, 2024

    • Madison

      Effortlessly Connecting Remote Teams with Hi5

      As part of streamGo, which promotes remote work, we found Hi5 to be a reliable and always accessible platform for our team to give praise when deserved. Previously, praises were given but not everyone was aware of them. Hi5 is simple to use and doesn't require a complex setup. Our team enjoys the GIPHY integration, which adds a fun and light-hearted element to the praises. We're still new to Hi5 and have only explored a small portion of its features, but so far it's been the user-friendly tool we were seeking. We chose Hi5 over Tiny Pulse because it's more enjoyable and user-friendly, whereas Tiny Pulse was too involved and time-consuming. We haven't experienced any problems with Hi5 yet, but we believe that if it becomes a burden to use, people will stop using it. Therefore, we urge Hi5 to maintain its simplicity. The Hi5 team has responded positively to our feedback and offered their assistance whenever we need it.

      August 5, 2024

    • Heather R

      Exploring Hi5: A Journey of Connection and Recognition

      My experience with the Hi5 app has been almost flawless. I find it enjoyable and it's a fantastic way to show appreciation for my coworkers. The app keeps me informed about team birthdays and makes me feel comfortable at work. It ensures I don't feel excluded and giving out Hi5s is the most fun part. If I'm the top giver at the end of the day, I win a Hi5 Award and a small gift from the office, which adds to the enjoyment. The app also aids communication and provides more details about my colleagues' job roles. The vendor responded to my feedback, expressing their happiness that I'm enjoying Hi5 and offering help whenever I need it.

      July 30, 2024

    • John G

      Social Networking Platform: Hi5 Review

      I find hi5 to be an excellent social gathering site. It's great for meeting new friends and people, and even offers the chance to win items through coins earned on the site. I can easily communicate with my friends through my mobile, and access other site features on my phone as well. However, I advise checking the language settings to match your preference, and carefully choosing your friends as not everyone may be friendly or responsive. Overall, I consider hi5 one of the best social gathering sites out there. I've been a member for about a year and have nothing but praise for it. It's completely free, allows for an extensive profile and pictures, and is the best site I've found for meeting ladies, as there are so many on this site.

      July 22, 2024

    • Alexis

      Top 5 Insights on Hi5

      Since we started using hi5, I've noticed a significant boost in staff morale. The platform promotes daily interaction and recognition among team members and is a great tool for reviewing work on different projects and measuring overall staff happiness. However, it has some drawbacks. The system can be error-prone and sends out numerous emails, which can sometimes feel like spam. Also, the profile setup process could be more straightforward. The vendor appreciated my feedback and offered assistance for any issues I might face.

      July 14, 2024

    • Bryan Rodriguez

      Boosting Productivity and Morale with Real-Time Feedback: A Team Leader's Perspective

      As a team leader, I've seen a noticeable increase in productivity and morale since we started using Hi The ability to give real-time feedback is invaluable

      July 6, 2024

    • Russell J

      Smart App Concept

      I appreciate being able to praise and reward my colleagues privately on hi5. However, I'm disappointed with the long loading times and the need to log out and back in for software updates. The Hi5 team has contacted me and asked me to reach out to their help desk for troubleshooting.

      June 29, 2024

    • Beverly Davis

      Discovering the Vibrant Social Platform: Hi5

      I wholeheartedly recommend giving the website hi5 a try! It's brimming with individuals who are eager to connect, making it a vibrant platform for communication. It's an exciting place where you can engage in lively discussions and meet new people. If you're not interested in sending money, no worries! You can still enjoy the platform's features and have a great time. It's a fantastic website that deserves a spot on the internet.

      June 22, 2024

    • Linda Rodriguez

      Decent, But We've Found Better

      I appreciate the excellent support and pleasant atmosphere of the hi5 software, which worked well for my small team. However, I encountered limitations on the number of users for the free version and didn't find enough value in the paid version. The Hi5 team responded to my feedback, expressing their gratitude and wishing they could better accommodate my team.

      June 18, 2024

    • Emily F

      Ordered a shirt for my son as a gift from hi5 software.

      I ordered a shirt for my son as a gift from hi5. Despite the website stating that I would receive a confirmation email, I never did. I had to reach out to the company to get the confirmation, which took almost a week. On the day of delivery, I discovered that the shirt was being sent to my home instead of my son's address. When I contacted the company about this, it took them nearly a week to respond. They then stated that they could reship my order for an $8 fee, which included the original shipping cost and a $4 service fee. I was frustrated that I had to pay for their mistake. I would seriously reconsider ordering from them again.

      June 8, 2024

    • Carol C

      Hi5: Keeping Remote Workers Connected and Recognized

      As a remote worker, Hi5 has been instrumental in keeping me connected with my team. It's easy to use and I love the peer recognition feature

      June 3, 2024

    • Otis G

      Not So Bad Website, But

      Most of the girls on this site, hi5, are either fake or scammers. Many profiles are outdated, not having been visited for over three months. Nowadays, it's easy to identify stolen photos using Google. Unfortunately, the site's operator doesn't seem interested in removing these profiles. The only time you can report stolen photos is when your own photo has been stolen. It's not possible to report other stolen photos. So, essentially, it seems like fake profiles are just communicating with other fake profiles on this site.

      May 27, 2024

    • Caspian D

      Hi5: Streamlining Employee Recognition for HR Professionals

      As a HR professional, I appreciate how Hi5 has streamlined our employee recognition process. It's simple to use and has significantly improved our company culture

      May 18, 2024

    • Edward Miller

      User-Friendly Interface and Convenient Mobile App for Team Feedback

      its user-friendly interface made it easy for everyone on my team to use. The mobile app is also very convenient for giving and receiving feedback on the go

      May 14, 2024

    • Jordan Smith

      Great Platform

      I believe hi5 is a social networking site similar to many others. It allows me to stay connected with my friends, share photos, music, videos, greet others, and meet new people. I recommend giving it a try!

      May 6, 2024

    • Evelyn Williams

      Hi5: Empowering Team Recognition in Fast-paced Tech Settings

      I've discovered that Hi5 significantly boosts morale and motivation by enabling us to consistently acknowledge each team member's valuable contribution. I intend to keep using Hi5 and urge my team to do the same. I value its provision of a public platform for posting positive feedback and recognizing my team's efforts. In our fast-paced work setting, recognition can often be short-lived, but Hi5 allows us to document this recognition. However, I find the user interface somewhat cluttered, especially the Wall of Fame page. I also propose that Hi5 could incorporate a feature for offering private, constructive feedback to aid team members in improving. While I understand this might detract from the positive environment Hi5 strives to create, it could be beneficial for team members to comprehend areas for improvement. The Hi5 team responded to my review, suggesting the use of Pulses with Goals or Culture ratings for more performance-oriented feedback.

      April 27, 2024

    • Angela E

      Hi5: A Project Manager's Tool for Team Engagement and Recognition

      As a project manager, I found Hi5 to be an excellent tool for team engagement and recognition

      April 20, 2024

    • Vincent M

      Hi5: A Thrilling Quest in Online Profile Detection

      I must say, hi5 is a platform that keeps you on your toes! It's like a thrilling game of detective work, where you get to spot the difference between genuine profiles and those that are not. I've come across profiles of women who seem to be in their early 2s, but their profiles say they're in their 5s-6s. It's quite amusing and adds a layer of intrigue to the whole experience. They even send you messages and links that could potentially be a cybersecurity test, making sure you're always alert and aware of online safety. I'd say about 8% of the women on the platform are part of this exciting challenge, leaving a select few genuine profiles to discover. It's like finding a hidden gem! I believe hi5 could make this experience even more engaging by introducing a software feature that helps us detect these profiles. It would be like having a sidekick in this thrilling quest! I've also heard from fellow men on the platform who find this aspect of hi5 equally exhilarating. It's a unique experience that keeps you coming back for more!

      April 15, 2024

    • Faye D

      Site Packed with Quality Content

      I find the site to be filled with quality content about specific individuals, however, some notifications appear to be fake.

      April 13, 2024