SaneBox is an AI-powered email management software that efficiently organizes and filters emails. It prioritizes crucial emails, categorizes them into folders, and eliminates spam or irrelevant ones. Features include one-click unsubscribe, snooze function for non-urgent emails, and response tracking. Compatible with existing email services, SaneBox boosts productivity and minimizes email clutter.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is SaneBox?
  • 04How SaneBox compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is SaneBox best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06SaneBox Reviews

What is SaneBox?

SaneBox is an intelligent email management software that uses artificial intelligence to prioritize and organize emails based on user behavior. It sorts emails into folders based on importance, offers features like one-click unsubscribe, response tracking, and snoozing emails. SaneBox also provides a daily summary of email activity and integrates with various email providers and clients. It aims to enhance productivity and efficiency by reducing clutter and saving time spent on email management. Special promotions are available for SaneBox and similar software to help streamline your inbox and boost productivity.

Pros from reviewers

  • Time-saving: Sanebox allows users to manage their emails directly from the inbox, saving a significant amount of time. It eliminates the need to create personal rules for email management, particularly for long-time Gmail users

  • Outstanding customer support: Sanebox is praised for its excellent customer service, which is often lacking in online companies. This support is a key reason many users choose and stick with Sanebox

  • Efficient email management: Sanebox helps to declutter and bring order to inboxes. It shifts non-essential emails into folders for review at a more convenient time, keeping the inbox clean and containing only important messages

  • Value for money: Despite the availability of free apps, users believe Sanebox provides better value. Even when finances are tight, the value it provides motivates users to remain loyal to the company

  • Customizable features: Sanebox offers features like the NoResponse filter and the SaneBlackhole feature, which users find incredibly useful for highlighting unanswered emails and dumping unwanted newsletters respectively.

Cons from reviewers

  • Design and usability of the web app: While SaneBox's functionality has been praised, some users believe that the design and usability of the web app could be improved.

  • Limited customer support: Despite the overall positive feedback, some users have reported issues with customer support, stating that they were not particularly helpful in resolving their issues

  • Limited customization: Some users have expressed a desire for more personalized folders to better organize their emails according to specific topics

  • Difficulty in cancelling subscription: Some users have reported that the process of cancelling their subscription was difficult, with one user even claiming that their emails were held hostage

  • Misplacement of important emails: A few users have raised concerns about important emails from first-time senders being sorted into the SaneLater folder instead of the main inbox, potentially causing them to miss important communications

Main features

Starting Price


/ month

Free Plan


Response tracking

Unsubscribe feature

Daily digest summary

Snooze function

Do not disturb

Who is SaneBox best for according to our reviewers?

  • Long-time Gmail users: These users are familiar with setting up rules to manage their emails. However, Sanebox eliminates the need for this by automatically sorting their emails, saving them time and effort

  • Users seeking better email organization: These users are looking for a more efficient way to manage their inbox beyond what their email provider offers. Sanebox helps them declutter and bring order to their inbox, making it easier to manage

  • Users who value customer support: These users appreciate the outstanding customer support offered by Sanebox. Despite occasional hiccups, they find the support helpful and responsive.

  • Busy professionals: These users often have a high volume of emails to manage and limited time to do so. Sanebox helps them save time by automatically sorting their emails, allowing them to focus on the most important ones first

  • Users with specific email management needs: These users appreciate features like the NoResponse filter and SaneBlackhole feature. Sanebox helps them manage their emails more effectively by highlighting unanswered emails and serving as a dumping ground for unwanted newsletters

  • SaneBox Reviews


    SaneBox rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    24 SaneBox Reviews

    4.7 (24 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Christopher G

      Intelligent Email Folders for Timely Viewing with Sanebox

      I've been using SaneBox for several weeks now. It has provided me with a more efficient way to view various types of emails at the appropriate times. I no longer get disturbed by promotional emails, yet I can still review them daily. SaneBox resolves all my email issues by organizing emails into smart folders and subtly reminding me to check them daily. It's the perfect solution, no more interruptions!

      September 15, 2024

    • Cynthia

      Effortless Email Prioritization with Sanebox

      I use the excellent tool, Sanebox, daily. Its fast categorization feature allows me to focus on emails that need attention, while barely spending time on others. I can't identify any downsides currently. It's a good product.

      September 9, 2024

    • Ruth W

      Intelligent Auto-Sorting with Sanebox: A Review

      Sanebox is a smart way to automatically sort my emails. It connects directly to my IMAP/Exchange mailboxes using my credentials and sorts my emails using AI or Bayesian filtering. I just had to train it by sorting a few emails manually, and it learned my patterns. It has many other useful options like delaying emails, auto-hide, auto-archive, auto-answer, and auto-forward. It works flawlessly and can pretty much do whatever I need. However, the design and usability of the web app could be improved. I was able to understand how to configure it thanks to their onboarding process, but the design could be better. Despite this, it's a real time saver and well worth the subscription value. If you're struggling with your email inbox, I recommend getting this fix.

      September 3, 2024

    • Lawrence

      Sanebox: Restoring Order to My Email Chaos

      Sanebox has greatly cut down the time I spend on managing my emails, saving me precious productive hours. It has efficiently tidied up my mailbox, giving me control over the kind of emails I receive. I especially adore the "NoResponse" filter, which I use to spotlight emails I've sent that haven't been answered. The "SaneBlackhole" feature is a blessing, serving as a dumping ground for all unwanted newsletters, making my inbox scrolling much easier. The weekly reviews from Sanebox, informing me of the hours I've saved and the number of emails that have landed in my SaneBlackhole, only heighten my appreciation for the tremendous work Sanebox is doing for me. However, I am concerned about how emails from first-time senders end up in the Sanelater Folder instead of my inbox. On some occasions, these have been very important emails.

      August 27, 2024

    • Christina B

      SaneBox: Seamless Integration and Effortless Email Management

      I love how SaneBox integrates seamlessly with my existing email client. It was easy to set up and even easier to use

      August 19, 2024

    • Brandon N

      SaneBlackHole: The Ultimate Spam Solution

      The SaneBlackHole feature is a godsend. It helps me get rid of spam and unwanted emails with just one click

      August 10, 2024

    • Richard Johnson

      Incredible Efficiency Boost

      I began using Sanebox about 15 days ago after reading its recommendation in the book Indistractable by Nir Eyal. I am extremely happy with this decision and highly recommend it to anyone looking to maximize their day. I am a lifelong fan.

      August 4, 2024

    • Willie Davis

      Preserve Your Peace of Mind with SaneBox

      On my busy days, SaneBox is a godsend, saving me significant time by eliminating distractions from non-essential emails. These emails are shifted into folders that I can review when I have more time. These include emails that I might find interesting but aren't urgent. My inbox is kept clean, containing only important messages. I often use the "reminder" feature, which lets me schedule emails to reappear in my inbox at a time I choose. SaneBox saves me a lot of time by automatically moving non-essential emails out of my way until I'm ready to handle them. Ads that might interest me are moved into folders that I can review at my leisure. My inbox only contains emails that are important to me. Additionally, I can move an email into a folder that will present it back to me at a specific date and time when I'm ready to handle it. The software could be improved by allowing an unlimited number of self-defined folders.

      July 27, 2024

    • Madison Rodriguez

      SaneBox: A Real Time-Saver!

      SaneBox has been a huge time-saver for me and I can't imagine using email without it. While there are similar services, they either sell my data or send extra ads. SaneBox does cost a bit, but it's totally worth it. I appreciate the ease of training it by just moving an email to the right folder. Their customer support has been prompt and helpful for more advanced configurations.

      July 23, 2024

    • Marilyn G

      SaneBox: My Lifesaver from Email Overload

      I use SaneBox daily and it's indispensable to me, saving me hours each week. I get a daily digest of less important emails, which I can quickly sort through. I'm even told how many hours I save weekly using SaneBox. I especially love the Pause Inbox feature. I have no dislikes, but a suggested improvement would be to have options appear directly on the email when opened, similar to Boomerang.

      July 15, 2024

    • Johnny B

      Mastering Email Chaos with SaneBox

      I appreciate how SaneBox helps me manage the overwhelming amount of spam and newsletters in my emails. It allows me to save the ones I want to read later in my SaneLater folder, which lets me focus on my work or leisure activities instead of constantly dealing with emails. I love how SaneBox organizes my emails into convenient, prioritized folders, helping me focus on my most important emails, reach Inbox Zero quickly, and easily discard junk. The only thing I don't like is the reporting feature, which I'm sure I could turn off as I never use it. Some features are duplicated by Gmail and my email client apps, like Spark, but SaneBox still offers plenty of value.

      July 9, 2024

    • Keilani D

      Long-term User of SaneBox

      I've been a long-time user of SaneBox. It's excellent for organizing my emails, allowing me to prioritize what needs immediate attention and what can be deferred. By classifying my emails and using SaneBox to determine their placement, I've been able to manage my email addiction better, deciding what to keep and what to unsubscribe from. While Gmail folders are useful, SaneBox simplifies the sorting process significantly.

      June 29, 2024

    • Albert

      SaneBox AI: A Time-Saving Email Solution

      I've found SaneBox's AI to be remarkably accurate in sorting my emails. It saves me a lot of time that I would have otherwise spent manually sorting through my inbox

      June 24, 2024

    • Daniel Miller

      Boosting Productivity with SaneBox in Legal Practice

      I had the pleasure of using SaneBox at a previous job and was so impressed that I recently decided to incorporate it into my legal practice to manage my emails. It's been a game-changer, helping me achieve Inbox Zero more often than not. One feature I absolutely love is the SaneNoReplies. It keeps me informed about who hasn't responded yet, enabling me to schedule callbacks with pinpoint accuracy. It's been a fantastic tool for my productivity!

      June 15, 2024

    • Remy S

      The Fantastic DoNotDisturb Feature: Uninterrupted Focus for Optimal Productivity

      The DoNotDisturb feature is fantastic. It allows me to focus on my work without being constantly interrupted by incoming emails

      June 11, 2024

    • Emma

      Utter Deception and Misguidance

      I had a really bad experience with SaneBox, which I think is the worst email helper ever. I tried to cancel my subscription, but they wouldn't let me and now they're holding my emails hostage. I thought my trial was over, but it wasn't and now I feel like they're taking advantage of me. When I complained, the company apologized for my poor experience and tried to address my worries. They said they've helped millions of people manage their emails over the years and that all their reviews are from real users. They offer a 14-day trial and an easy cancellation process if you're not happy. They also said that during the free trial, they provide interactive onboarding slides and an email explaining the activated features. They insisted that they never said my emails would be on their site and that my emails never leave my server. They said this was communicated during the onboarding process, in the welcome email, in their terms of service, and by their support person.

      June 1, 2024

    • Brenda C

      SaneBox: A Project Manager's Lifesaver

      As a project manager, SaneBox has been instrumental in helping me keep track of important emails. The SaneReminders feature ensures I never miss a deadline

      May 26, 2024

    • Gerald

      Exemplary Customer Service Experience with Sanebox

      I've been a loyal user of Sanebox for several years now and it's been an absolute lifesaver in managing my mailbox! Recently, I decided to streamline my mailboxes from 4 to 2. Initially, I was a bit taken aback as the lunch plan offered only 6 features per mailbox, a bit of a downgrade from the unlimited features I was accustomed to. But, guess what? Their online support was super responsive and helpful! They tailored my plan to include unlimited features for a nominal extra fee, saving me from having to upgrade to the pricier dinner plan. I'm thrilled with their flexibility and customer service!

      May 20, 2024

    • Indigo M

      SaneLater: A Game-Changer in Email Filtering

      the software's ability to filter out non-essential emails is a game-changer. The SaneLater feature is particularly useful, allowing me to focus on high-priority emails first

      May 11, 2024

    • Grey S

      SaneBox: The Solution to Email Overload

      I've been using SaneBox for several months now and it has significantly improved my email management

      May 5, 2024

    • Christian F

      Truly Beneficial!

      I find Sanebox really helpful in keeping my email inbox clean. It has great tools for organizing important emails from the unimportant ones. I highly recommend it!

      April 29, 2024

    • Zachary Miller

      Revolutionizing Email Management: My Experience with Sanebox

      I am absolutely thrilled to share my experience with Sanebox! This software is a game-changer, revolutionizing the way I manage my emails. During the Free Trial, I was amazed at how Sanebox streamlined my inbox, tucking away less important emails until I was ready to view them. This feature alone saved me over $8 in potential lost productivity!The company's proactive approach might be mistaken for strong-arm tactics, but I found it to be a breath of fresh air. They're not just sitting back and letting my inbox overflow, they're actively helping me manage it. It's like having a personal assistant for my emails!Some might argue that Sanebox doesn't do anything that users can't do themselves, but I beg to differ. Sure, I could spend hours sorting through my emails, but why would I when Sanebox can do it for me? It's like saying I could wash my clothes by hand, but why would I when I have a washing machine?In conclusion, I highly recommend Sanebox. It's not just a service, it's a lifesaver. Don't just take my word for it, give it a try and see the difference it can make in your life!

      April 21, 2024

    • Nicholas B

      Master Your Email Chaos with SaneBox

      The main reason I adore Sanebox is due to its outstanding customer support, a feature often missing in online companies. At first, paying to manage emails seemed strange, especially when one can set up rules. However, I've found Sanebox incredibly helpful in eliminating the need to create my own rules, particularly if you've been a long-time Gmail user. I can confidently state that Sanebox saves me a significant amount of time by allowing me to manage my emails directly from the inbox. Despite the availability of other free apps, I believe Sanebox provides better value. I find Sanebox so useful that I can't imagine switching. The support and value it provides are the main reasons I switched to Sanebox and continue to use it. Even when finances are tight, my loyalty to the company motivates me to stick with them.

      April 16, 2024

    • Donald Brown

      Master Your Email Chaos with SaneBox

      Overall, my experience with SaneBox has been largely positive, despite a minor hiccup with customer support. I'm not a big fan of emails and my inbox is always filled with distracting messages. I was looking for an affordable solution to better organize my inbox beyond what my email provider offered. SaneBox has been a godsend, helping to declutter and bring order to my inbox. I did need customer support for one issue and while they were available, I didn't find the person assisting me particularly helpful. I ended up solving the problem on my own, but this could have been an isolated incident and not reflective of the entire company. I chose SaneBox mainly because it has a good dashboard interface, delivers on its promises, and is reasonably priced. I actually use it alongside another product as they function slightly differently.

      April 15, 2024