Utrakk DMeS is a digital management execution system aimed at enhancing operations and boosting productivity. It offers real-time insights into operational performance, aiding managers in making informed decisions. The software's main features include task management, performance monitoring, and reporting tools. It is ideal for businesses of all sizes looking to improve efficiency and attain operational excellence.

  • 01Pros and cons from reviewers
  • 02Main features
  • 03What is Utrakk dmes?
  • 04How Utrakk dmes compare to similar software?
  • 05Who is Utrakk dmes best for according to our reviewers?
  • 06Utrakk dmes Reviews

What is Utrakk dmes?

Utrakk DMeS is a dynamic management ecosystem software designed to enhance business operations and productivity. It offers a comprehensive platform for task management, performance monitoring, and internal communication. The software features real-time tracking, automated reporting, and data analytics. It aids in standardizing processes, reducing errors, and improving decision-making through insightful data. It also promotes collaboration by facilitating information sharing among team members. Utrakk DMeS can be customized to suit any business needs, making it versatile for various industries. Special promotions are available for businesses looking to boost efficiency with Utrakk DMeS.

Pros from reviewers

  • Efficient Task Management: Utrakk-DMeS allows for easy management of action plan logs, tasks, and requests in real-time interaction with different stakeholders, adding efficiency to floor tours and saving valuable time

  • Centralized Data: Utrakk-DMeS enables the consolidation and formalization of action plans into a single tool, ensuring data reliability and improved action tracking, enhancing daily performance

  • User-friendly Interface: The software is easy to use and does not require special training, making it accessible to all employees

  • Effective Time Management: The software assists in establishing routines and tracking daily schedules, aiding in tackling crucial business matters

  • Enhanced Communication: Utrakk-DMeS brings various resources involved in the organization closer together and improves internal communication, facilitating information transmission and reducing paper usage.

Cons from reviewers

  • Limited usability: Despite the checklist feature, some users find the usability of Utrakk-DMeS could be improved, suggesting that a more intuitive interface could encourage more frequent use

  • Unappealing design: Some users believe the design and graphics of the software could be more engaging, which could potentially increase user interaction

  • Lack of calendar reminders: The software lacks a reminder for the calendar and only allows for exporting the agenda to Outlook, not managing a second calendar

  • Time-consuming integration: Some users find the integration of Utrakk-DMeS into their company more time-consuming and effortful than anticipated, suggesting that a smoother integration process could improve user experience.

  • Limited functionality on tablet applications: Some users find the tablet applications of Utrakk-DMeS not fully functional, lacking many features and forcing them to use the web version simultaneously

Main features

Starting Price


Free Plan


Real-time tracking

User-friendly Interface

Automated reports and data analysis


Promoting Collaboration

Who is Utrakk dmes best for according to our reviewers?

  • IT Teams: These teams can use the software to manage time effectively and organize dashboard features, although they may need to work on simplifying the interface and ensuring full utilization of all features.

  • Management Teams: These teams can use Utrakk-DMeS to enhance internal communication, manage action plan logs, tasks, and requests in real-time, and improve overall organization

  • Employees: Utrakk-DMeS is user-friendly and allows employees to access and update action plans, improving daily performance and data reliability

  • Directors: The software provides effective checklists for monitoring meetings and active supervision rounds, making it easier to maintain structure and track actions during individual meetings

  • Business Owners: Utrakk-DMeS helps in establishing routines and tracking daily schedules, aiding in tackling crucial business matters

  • Utrakk dmes Reviews


    Utrakk dmes rating


    Ease of use


    Customer service


    Value for money


    Likelihood to recommend



    18 Utrakk dmes Reviews

    4.5 (18 reviews)
    Leave a review
    • Ryan Brown

      Effective Training Modules for Software Familiarization: A uTrakk DMeS Review

      Lastly, the training modules provided by uTrakk DMeS have been very helpful in getting my team up to speed with the software.

      August 4, 2024

    • Albert E

      Tailored Solutions: uTrakk DMeS Customization Review

      I appreciate the customization options offered by uTrakk DMeS, allowing us to tailor the software to fit our specific needs

      July 30, 2024

    • Lauren A

      Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: Real-Time Updates with Software

      The software's ability to provide real-time updates has enhanced our communication and collaboration within the team

      July 23, 2024

    • Amanda Jones

      Enhanced Time Management with uTrakk DMeS Task Management

      The task management feature of uTrakk DMeS has helped us prioritize our tasks effectively, leading to better time management

      July 14, 2024

    • Anna Johnson

      Fantastic Tool for Tracking and Planning Meetings and Actions!

      During my individual meetings with my directors, I can maintain a structure and easily track all actions at each meeting. I have effective checklists for monitoring meetings and active supervision rounds. I don't have any drawbacks, I'm just excited to be able to use the tool on Android. The vendor responded, thanking me for sharing my thoughts with their team. They also let me know that the Android version of UTrakk is currently in "pre-launch". They suggested that I reach out to their team at Support@utrakk.com for more information on installation and usage before the official launch. They responded in June 2023.

      July 8, 2024

    • Susan

      Centralization and Formalization with Utrakk-DMeS

      Utrakk has enabled us to consolidate and formalize our action plans into a single, user-friendly tool that all our employees can access. These plans are updated through various means such as our communication rituals, processes, audits, and active supervision tours. This centralization ensures data reliability, improved action tracking, and generally enhances our daily performance. However, for the Utrakk app to function optimally on a tablet, a strong site wifi coverage is necessary. The vendor responded positively to our feedback, expressing delight that Utrakk is user-friendly, boosts our daily performance, and provides better data reliability through information centralization. They thanked us for our review and reassured us that they are always open to feedback.

      June 29, 2024

    • Kayla

      Benefits of Utilizing UTrakk DMeS

      The utrakk-dmes software has been useful in establishing routines and tracking my daily schedule, aiding in tackling crucial business matters. I currently have no problems with it. The vendor appreciated my feedback and confirmed that the app is enhancing my business operations. They also shared their support email for any additional inquiries or comments. They responded in February 2022.

      June 22, 2024

    • Rowan G

      uTrakk DMeS Real-Time Tracking Boosts Project Efficiency

      The real-time tracking feature of uTrakk DMeS has been instrumental in helping us meet our project deadlines

      June 15, 2024

    • Iliana D

      Great Tool for Meeting Tracking

      I find the software, utrakk-dmes, very user-friendly and excellent for tracking meetings. However, its integration into my company is more time-consuming and effortful than anticipated. The vendor thanked me for my feedback and offered help from their support team to ease the application's deployment in my company. They assured me their experts are ready to assist in any possible way. They responded in February 2022.

      June 11, 2024

    • Debra Brown

      Exploring UTRakk - FM: A User's Perspective

      Several individuals are utilizing the utrakk-dmes software and appear to be content with it. However, it seems that some features may not be fully utilized. The dashboard features are satisfactory and the time management is effective, although it appears to be set for EST. The software has too many tabs that are not well organized. After providing this feedback, the vendor thanked me and promised to consider simplifying the interface while still maintaining the flexibility required by other clients in a future update. They responded to my feedback in February 2023.

      June 1, 2024

    • Helen A

      Commendable Customer Support: uTrakk DMeS Resolves Issues Promptly

      The customer support for uTrakk DMeS is commendable, they are always ready to assist and resolve any issues promptly

      May 26, 2024

    • Pamela Brown

      Seamless Integration: A Versatile Software Solution

      I am particularly impressed with the software's ability to integrate seamlessly with our existing systems, making it a versatile solution for our needs

      May 20, 2024

    • Janet Miller

      Streamlining Workflow with uTrakk DMeS

      I have found uTrakk DMeS to be an invaluable tool in streamlining my team's workflow

      May 12, 2024

    • Helen S

      Comprehensive Reporting with uTrakk DMeS

      The reporting feature of uTrakk DMeS is comprehensive and provides us with detailed insights, which has greatly aided our decision-making process

      May 7, 2024

    • Blaise D

      Utrakk's Automated Email Feature

      I find the software Utrakk-DMeS easy to use and there's no need for special training. I suggested that the software should automatically send an email whenever a task is assigned to me. The vendor responded positively to my comments and informed me that it is indeed possible to receive notifications for assigned tasks or before their due date. I just need to activate this option from the notification settings. They also directed me to the UTrakk Community for more information, tutorials, tips and tricks on how to use UTrakk. I appreciated their response and thanked them for their time.

      April 29, 2024

    • Teresa Garcia

      Improved Productivity with User-Friendly Software Interface

      The software's user-friendly interface has significantly improved our productivity and efficiency

      April 20, 2024

    • Barbara

      Efficient Management Tool

      I find the software helpful as it allows me to save time, reduce paper usage, and facilitate information transmission. It handles coaching, ritual planning, action reminders, and the ability to assign actions to different rituals. It also extracts action plans. However, I find the tablet applications not fully functional, lacking many features and forcing me to use the web version simultaneously. The software also lacks a reminder for the calendar and only allows for exporting the agenda to Outlook, not managing a second calendar. In response to my feedback, the vendor thanked me and explained that the tablet applications are lighter versions of UTrakk, designed for data entry at the point of execution and in 'disconnection' mode. They assured me that all UTrakk features are fully functional on a standard tablet, regardless of the provider. Regarding my comment on Outlook, they asked if I had the chance to try the synchronization with Office 365, which allows synchronization with the main Outlook calendar, including all my commitments. This integration is bidirectional.

      April 16, 2024

    • Carol C

      UTRAKK = Essential!!!

      Here's my review of the Utrakk-DMeS software: It's an exceptional and comprehensive management tool that I can't live without! It not only enhances the experience and saves time, but also brings various resources involved in the organization closer together and improves internal communication. In short, once you try Utrakk, you'll want to continue using it. What I particularly appreciate is the amazing ease with which you can manage action plan logs, tasks, and requests in real-time interaction with different stakeholders. This adds incredible efficiency to floor tours, saving me valuable minutes that I can reinvest into production, active supervision, and achieving the organization's various goals. The main challenge for me was letting go of my paper tools and getting used to the electronic mode of the application. Although it's a very facilitating tool and easy to learn, the change in habit was a challenge for me. The vendor responded, thanking me for my valuable feedback, which can help future users.

      April 15, 2024