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Trusted Shops

Your site is reliable. Do your customers know it?

4.8 (20 reviews)

Trusted Shops's solutions generate trust and help you boost traffic, conversion and sales

General information about Trusted Shops

Trusted Shops, a European certification label for e-commerce sites, is here to help your business earn the trust of your customers. As the market leader in e-commerce site certification, Trusted Shops evaluates its members according to strict criteria such as solvency, legal obligations and customer service. 

Once your site has been approved and certified by Trusted Shops, you can proudly display their trust mark, which will encourage your customers to feel secure when buying from you.

Trust is the key to conversion in e-commerce. By displaying tangible signs of trust on your site, you can significantly increase your sales. Trusted Shops offers a wide range of services to help you do this, including buyer protection, customer reviews and much more. You can request free advice from our experienced consultants by simply filling in the form below.

So why wait? Take the first step towards building trust with your customers by reaching out to Trusted Shops’s consultants. They offer free advice and guidance to help you showcase your trustworthiness and take your e-commerce business to new heights. 

And, trust us, with Secret, you can find all the amazing deals on the best SaaS that you need to grow your business while keeping your costs low. Join us and unlock the power of trust in e-commerce today!

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What is Trusted Shops used for?

Trusted Shops is a vital tool for small businesses venturing into e-commerce. It provides a certification label that assures customers of your credibility, boosting their confidence to transact with you. For instance, a small online clothing store can use Trusted Shops to demonstrate its reliability, thereby attracting more customers. The software also offers buyer protection and customer reviews, which can help improve your services based on feedback. Moreover, Trusted Shops provides free expert advice to help you optimize your e-commerce operations. With the trust mark displayed on your site, you can increase sales and grow your business.

Trusted Shops features

  • Trustbadge technology

    Do you want to increase your website trustworthiness and reduce cart abandonment rates? The Trustbadge technology from Trusted Shops can help. This technology displays the Trusted Shops trustmark and customer reviews on your website, ensuring that your customers feel safe and secure when shopping with you.

  • International compliance

    Do you want to expand your business internationally but are unsure about different legal requirements? Trusted Shops can help you comply with local laws in over 20 countries, including the UK, France, and Germany. This service will ensure that you operate within legal requirements while expanding your business abroad.

  • Trusted Shops Certification

    Are you struggling to build trust with your online customers? With Trusted Shops Certification, customers can rest assured that they are dealing with a trustworthy and reliable business. Displaying the Trusted Shops trustmark on your website will give your customers confidence and increase your conversion rates.

  • Data protection

    Are you concerned about the security of your customers' data? Trusted Shops offers comprehensive data protection services, including privacy policy templates, data protection officer services, and GDPR compliance checks. This will help you ensure that you are collecting, processing and storing customer data in a legal and secure way.

  • Dispute resolution

    Are you worried about disputes with your customers affecting your reputation? Trusted Shops offers a free dispute resolution service, which mediates conflicts between customers and businesses. This service ensures a fair and swift resolution process, helping you to maintain positive relationships with your customers.

  • Customer reviews

    Do you want to know what your customers really think about your products and services? With Trusted Shops, you can gather valuable customer feedback through their review platform. Collecting reviews can help you improve your business, develop your brand, and attract new customers.

  • Legal text generation

    Are you struggling to create compliant legal texts for your website? With Trusted Shops, you can generate legally-accurate and GDPR-compliant legal texts for your online store. These templates are continuously updated and can be customized to suit the specific needs of your business.

  • Trusted experts

    Do you have questions or doubts about e-commerce? Trusted Shops provides access to expert advice and resources. By registering for the Trusted Shops Academy, you can access exclusive webinars, videos, and whitepapers focused on a range of e-commerce topics such as customer service, conversion optimization, and digital marketing.

20 Trusted Shops Reviews

4.8 (20 reviews)
Leave a review
  • Christopher Martinez

    Trusted Shops: An Indispensable Tool for Online Business Success

    Lastly, the regular updates and new features introduced by Trusted Shops keeps them ahead in the market, making it an indispensable tool for my online business.

    August 18, 2024

  • Betty D

    Consider Carefully Before Purchasing AVI-8 Hawker Hurricane 413

    I recently purchased an AVI-8 Hawker Hurricane Nr. 413 watch from Timeshop24.de. Despite the watch arriving quickly and looking good, the strap is extremely inflexible. I considered returning it but ultimately decided against it. When I asked the shop owner, Mr. Oliver, about the inflexibility of the strap, he dismissed my concern, stating he had received no other complaints and suggested I buy a new one from his shop. I am not satisfied with this response or the stiff strap, especially since I had bought a similar watch years ago with a much more flexible strap. If I hadn't worn the watch for a few days, I would have returned it. I would advise against buying this watch or at least consider getting a different strap.

    August 12, 2024

  • Kenneth Davis

    Money-Back Guarantee Boosts Customer Trust and Loyalty

    I appreciate the money-back guarantee feature, it has significantly increased my customers' trust and loyalty

    August 6, 2024

  • Louis Johnson

    The Power of Reviews for Small Businesses

    As a small business owner, the review and rating system has been instrumental in building my brand's reputation

    July 30, 2024

Why is Trusted Shops better than other E Commerce software?

Trusted Shops is better at support than Shopify: 4.6 vs 4.5

Trusted Shops is more suitable for small businesses thanks to its good value for money than Shopify: 4.4 vs 4.3

Trusted Shops has more features than Shopify: 52 vs 46